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Sunday 31 October 2010

Greatest parody of life

There is one thing in the world which every person desires no matter how much they try to deny it , suppress it , laugh at even mere thought of its existence , it is and will be for always embedded in everyone’s heart the want of it. Love. It is the single most thing which evades logic and science. It ridicules the very basis of logic and muddles our ability to make decisions . it will wreck havoc in our lives and yet leave one wanting for more and yearning for it , it will create a hole so deep and dark in your soul you will truly start to wonder if it can ever be filled. Yet at our darkest it will shine a light so bright that you will be blinded by it. Some people will to find an alternative to fill this gap by pursing things of lust , for the yearning of love is so strong that this single desire might cloud your ability to different between the two. These distractions will succeed in being and achieving what they are distracting oneself but ultimately when faced with the truth, the white will wash away everything else and you will truly see how deep a hole you have dug for your self.

It makes men into cowards and sometimes makes men out of cowards. It will be something you will always wonder about and laugh about till you find it and once you have found it , there is no way you can shield your heart from its piercing light. If you choose to open you heart to it will fill you up and make you warm and feel those emotions you only imagined about , hear those sounds that could not be made by any earthly instrument. How can something so illogical have such a hold on mankind? How can something change our lives and affect us so profoundly after all we are not some mindless creatures ruled by heart always we are a species of knowledge power and logic we have bent and modified the environment itself to suit our needs. For without knowledge we still might have been sitting on a tree , yet without love what is life?

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